An important component of any wellness program is to monitor your progress. There are a few easy ways to do this yourself. The first being the very simple: see how
Food and Recipes
The Many Names of Sugar
There are over 50 different names for sugar that range from the obvious (sugar, beet sugar, brown sugar) to the tricky (malt syrup, cane juice, rice syrup, carob syrup, agave
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Health and Wellness
The Benefits of Reiki
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing within the body and spirit. It is a healing approach based on the principle that the practitioner
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Health and Wellness
Why Our Family Chooses Organic
I am passionate about eliminating toxins from our lives because sadly every day we are exposed to countless chemicals in our homes, places of work and also in our diet. Pesticides
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Food and Recipes
Deliciously Healthy Orange Cranberry Muffins
My mom LOVES Orange Cranberry Muffins. I adapted her recipe so she could enjoy them while staying healthy! Cranberries are full of antioxidants, rich in vitamin C & E, contain