Unfortunately, but fortunately (because lessons), over the course of our journey as spirits having a human experience, we face no shortage of grief, sadness, depression, loss, stress, fear and disconnect.
Sure, we can turn to vices like alcohol, processed foods, zone-out Netflix binges, and other mundane fixes *clears throat guiltily* but those are short lived mercies, often leaving us in the dust and even more sad, mad, lost, stressed or (insert 1 of 10,000 emotions here). What if I told you that you can work on processing the root of these feelings and energetic blocks (because that’s what emotions and feelings ultimately are), with a centuries old energetic medicine we have available to us, within the heart of a Rose. Would that tempt you to pause Riverdale, put down the Doritos and tune in for more?
Yes, THE Rose, as in the flower that has over 300 varieties, spans the entire globe and grows in any climate possible, from unbearably freezing to scalding hot temperatures.
Everything on earth is energy and carries a unique energetic vibration. However, Roses happen to carry one of the highest vibrations known in nature’s plant kingdom. Vibrating at a whopping 320 MHz, (for perspective, that’s approximately 384% higher than the average healthy human body), Roses are also one of the strongest, most resilient plants in the entire world. Archaeologists have even uncovered Rose fossils that date back over 30 million years. Their benefits are countless when it comes to the skin and holistic health, but they are also incredible spiritual and energetic powerhouses as well. So much so, that they saved a poor beggar’s son from certain death, hundreds of years ago, in the heart of rural Mexico. Enter the birth of the Rose Healing Ceremony.

It’s a sacred 90 minute ceremonial experience that I offer women of all walks of life, to help them step into their own power as the most vibrationally and energetically sound version of themselves. We harness this incredible gift from Mother Nature and work with the power of its vibration to absorb blocks, clear trauma and heartache, quell worries and emotional imbalances, boost resilience, healing and restore energetic balance.
Rose Healing Ceremonies have the ability to encourage healing and assist with overcoming:
- Symptoms of depression and anxiety
- Emotional distress and feelings of lack
- Heartbreak, loss or grief (separation, divorce, death of a loved one)
- Intimacy issues
- Fear around being seen, heard or standing in your personal power
- Release of shame, guilt, trauma
- Re-connection with your own inner Divine Feminine and womanhood
A ceremony also offers support for those who are crossing over, as the Roses have the ability to bring peace and closure to any old anger and pain, leaving nothing left unsaid or undone energetically. A ceremony can be done on patients in the hospital, even if they’re in a coma.
A couple of days prior to your Ceremony, I’ll send you a worksheet to help you connect with your intentions for the Ceremony. You’ll arrive at your appointment with your pre-selected long-stem dozen roses (don’t get fancy here. A simple $20 bouquet from Metro works beautifully)! After a brief discussion together, I conduct a short ritual with the Roses to begin invoking their energetic qualities. You’ll lay fully clothed on top of a well cushioned massage bed and I’ll intuitively lay the dozen roses, one by one, along your body, wherever they direct me to place them. The connection I create with the Roses gives me the ability to read their cues and place them strategically over the parts of your body where blocked energy is being stored. Once the Roses have been positioned, optional Reiki energy is offered to support and encourage the Roses’ absorption of your energetic blocks. Approximately 45 minutes later, the Roses are removed and gathered for you to take home, to continue your connection with them. We close with a brief discussion and review of the post-Ceremony worksheets I provide for reflection, recording the remainder of your connection with the Roses, and instructions on how to respectfully discard them once they have served you.
- Support and heal the heart from emotional pain and trauma
- Foster hardiness, resilience and endurance in the face of sudden change
- Reconnect with and balance your emotional body
- Support the healing of old wounds and resentments
- Support romance and re-connection with your partner
- Support and balancing of the Sacral Chakra
- Connecting to and healing blocks around receptivity, creativity, empathy, compassion, nurturance and sensitivity
There’s so much power in this process! I’m hooked and want all women to be as well, so I’m happy to chat more about it anytime. I can be reached directly through my website at www.sacredcollective.space or via email at sacredcollective@outlook.com. At the time of publication of this post, we’re still observing social distancing protocols. That said, I’m currently pre-booking Ceremonies for clients with the hope that the Province will be in the clear and softening restrictions in the coming months. I’m here to help, so please reach out if you feel that a Rose Healing Ceremony would be helpful for you, a friend or a family member.